Preston Poore

The Persistent Pursuit of Purpose: Lessons from Preston Poore's Writing Journey

Stay at it, be persistent, and keep going.

Preston Poore’s life story shows the power of passion, hard work, and never giving up on your goals. From humble beginnings in Fort Collins, Colorado, to becoming an executive at The Coca-Cola Company, and now as an accomplished author and speaker, Preston’s journey is truly inspiring.

I was very grateful to have the opportunity to sit down with Preston to discuss his career and his recently published book: Discipled Leader: Inspiration from a Fortune 500 Executive for Transforming Your Workplace by Pursuing Christ. 

His energy and wisdom shone as he recounted the path that led him to where he is today – a story filled with triumphs, challenges, and a strong belief in perseverance.

A Life of Diverse Experiences
Right from the start, it was clear that Preston’s life has been a mosaic of varied experiences. His father was a professor at Colorado State University and founded a national defense company called Numerica. This early exposure to entrepreneurship left an impression on Preston.

After college, Preston embarked on a corporate career, working for major companies like Ralston Purina, Hershey Foods, and eventually The Coca-Cola Company, where he spent 20 years before retiring. Throughout this time, he traveled globally and gained invaluable leadership experience.

But Preston’s most important roles are as a husband to his wife of 32 years, and as a father to his daughter and son, both young professionals.

An Innate Talent for Writing
Preston’s writing talents manifested early on. In high school, a graded essay prompted him to reflect deeply on his future goals. Later in college, a professor was so impressed by one of Preston’s papers that he read it aloud to the entire class, recognizing his innate gift.

These experiences planted the seeds for Preston’s eventual book, but it wasn’t until about 15 years ago that the inkling to write truly took root. He felt called to help people grow in their faith and apply biblical principles to the workplace.

The 10-Year Journey to Publication
What followed was a decade-long journey of researching, writing, revising, and persevering through numerous rejections. Preston was incredibly diligent, mind-mapping each chapter and amassing over 230 pages of research notes for some chapters alone.

He wanted to ensure his book, “The Discipled Leader,” was theologically sound and credible. This involved extensive due diligence, cross-checking numerous resources, and meticulous fact-checking.

The rejection was demoralizing at times – 50 literary agents and 30 publishers turned him down initially. But Preston stayed focused on his “why” – the core purpose driving him to share this unique perspective combining faith and practical workplace applications.

Finally, after 10 grueling years, a traditional publishing deal materialized with Kregel Publications in 2021, launching Preston’s book into the world.

An Extraordinary Achievement
The achievement was sweeter given the arduous journey. “The Discipled Leader” garnered widespread acclaim, winning the prestigious 2022 Nonfiction Book of the Year award from the Selah Awards.

But for Preston, nothing topped the feeling of genuinely impacting someone’s life through his words. He recounted a powerful encounter where a successful businessman, struggling through difficulties, was moved to tears by the book’s opening pages, having found deep connection and solace in Preston’s vulnerability.

In that moment I realized it wasn't about how many books I've sold or a platform. It was about helping somebody to connect, grow, and learn.

The Next Chapter: Speaking and Writing
With one book successfully launched, Preston isn’t resting on his laurels. He’s now diving into professional speaking, having become certified as a John Maxwell speaker and trainer. His goal is to inspire audiences and equip emerging leaders with the hard-won wisdom he’s gained over decades of corporate leadership.

A second book is also in the works – a business-minded project aimed at helping young professionals navigate workplace challenges and unlock their full potential. Preston likens his accumulated insight to “a PhD from the School of Hard Knocks.”

Overcoming Self-Doubt
Yet even for an accomplished writer, the nagging feelings of self-doubt can creep in. Preston admits he’s currently “processing” how to approach this next book, questioning whether he truly has novel insights to offer.

But his advice for aspiring authors rings true: “If you feel like giving up, if you have a message that you want to get out there, whether it’s non-fiction or fiction or whatever you’re doing, stay at it. Stay at it, be persistent, and keep going.”

Perseverance is the throughline of Preston’s journey, a testament to the transformative power of resolute determination.

The Renaissance Man
Beyond writing and speaking, Preston embodies the spirit of a true Renaissance man – endlessly curious, hungry for growth, and embracing new experiences.

He delights in recounting his time learning the iconic Rockettes’ choreography, amazed by their athleticism, discipline, and teamwork. Or the way a simple shower epiphany helped his father solve a complex engineering problem decades ago.

For Preston, these seemingly small moments spark realizations about leadership, collaboration, and mental focus – all woven into the rich tapestry of his wisdom.

Perhaps most powerfully, Preston is a champion of journaling. He has amassed over 30 volumes capturing stories, observations, and personal reflections that served as prompts and anchors for his writing journey.

A Life’s Philosophy
When asked about his favorite books, Preston doesn’t hesitate: The Leadership Challenge by James Kouzes and Barry Posner. This seminal work has been a profound influence, shaping his approach to leading others and driving organizational excellence.

But more than that, studying the book formed a cherished ritual with his brother Jeff – a small business owner able to offer a fascinating counterpoint to Preston’s corporate lens. For a year, they’d meet on Saturdays, discussing each chapter over the phone and exchanging perspectives.

It’s this commitment to lifelong learning, applied wisdom, and investing in meaningful relationships that lies at the core of Preston’s philosophy.

In a world that often values overnight success, Preston’s path is a powerful reminder that authentic greatness is forged through sustained dedication, a willingness to embrace setbacks, and an unwavering commitment to one’s purpose.

His rallying cry echoes loudly: “Stay at it, be persistent, and keep going.” Words from a life well:

To connect with Preston

To Purchase Discipled Leader: Inspiration from a Fortune 500 Executive for Transforming Your Workplace by Pursuing Christ:


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