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Unveiling Leadership Wisdom: Insights from Tina Frausto

I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Tina Frausto and talk with her about her experiences as a leader. She provided some excellent advice and insight. 

Leadership comes in many forms, and one individual who embodies the essence of a dynamic and transformative leader is Tina Frausto. With a wealth of experience in leadership roles across diverse industries, including notable stints at companies like Equifax and Verizon, Tina stands out not just for her extensive professional background but also for her commitment to mentorship and her role as a transformational leader.   

Tina has found herself drawn to initiatives that are not just challenging but also cross-functional and complex in nature. Drawing from both her technology and business background, Tina brings a unique lens to the table, breaking down barriers between different domains. Her ability to navigate both sides of the corporate divide positions her as an invaluable asset in driving large-scale strategic initiatives and long-term growth within her organizations  

The Mentor and Leader 
Tina’s leadership extends beyond the boardroom, reflecting her commitment to mentorship and community engagement. Actively involved with organizations such as PATH Builders and Georgia State University’s Women’s Leadership Program, Tina has also founded a nonprofit focused on empowering underrepresented youth in STEM through basketball.  

In our recent conversation on “Leadership Portraits,” Tina opened up about her leadership journey, emphasizing the importance of mentorship. Throughout her career, Tina has used her leadership capabilities to not only lead successful teams, but to mentor younger professionals and help to ensure that up-and-coming women leaders are given every opportunity to be successful.  

Not Just a Transformation Leader
Her leadership journey is characterized by a unique blend of roles, encompassing diverse experiences across technology and business sectors. A self-described generalist, Tina thrives in roles that demand adaptability and a holistic understanding of both technology and business landscapes.  

Tina is a Co-founder of the non-profit, NextPlay360 which was created as a solution to a challenge that they saw while her daughter was playing AAU Basketball. She and her co-founders realized that many of the girls needed more opportunities to learn STEM in order to ensure that their futures didn’t have to solely rely on basketball. So they began NexPlay360 to give those young women and men the advantage of STEM education through programs and tutoring.  

One of the biggest benefits of the program is the STEM lab that they built in the gym, giving the benefit of STEM programs directly to the players without them having to see the opportunities from other sources. 

Tina’s experience in the non-profit sector brings to light unexpected challenges. Despite her wealth of leadership experience, Tina encountered hurdles, including the misconception that corporations would readily support initiatives aimed at underrepresented youth through basketball. Changing this narrative proved to be a complex task, requiring a strategic approach to convey the true essence of their mission.

Where many of her leadership skills were transferable to the nonprofit sector, there were many learnings that his experience provided. She found her skills with process, and program execution very valuable. She also discovered the value of effective messaging when approaching non-profits and how important it is to tailor the message to the audience.

Transformation Leadership: Beyond Buzzwords 
In the realm of transformation leadership, Tina acknowledges the term’s overuse but provides clarity on her interpretation. For her, any initiative that impacts employees or customers, altering the way they work or interact with a company, constitutes a transformation. Tina believes that in the ever-evolving business landscape, every leader needs an element of transformation in their skill set. 

There’s an element of being able to lead a transformation that’s required for any leadership position in a company.


The Generalist Advantage: Navigating Through Complexity 
Identifying herself as a generalist, Tina elaborated on how this approach has facilitated her leadership journey. Her versatility allows her to move seamlessly across different roles and industries, addressing challenges with a broad perspective. While recognizing the value of specialists in specific domains, Tina champions the generalist’s ability to drive change and execute strategies across diverse functional areas.  

Proudest Moments: Atlas Project at Equifax 
Among Tina’s proudest moments is her leadership role in the Atlas project at Equifax, a full lead-to-cash business transformation spanning over 20 countries. Tina emphasized the importance of assembling a top-tier team and fostering a collaborative, fun, and inclusive environment. Despite the intensity of the project, Tina’s leadership ensured zero voluntary attrition and a united front that celebrated success.  

Tina attributes the success of complex transformations to a combination of factors. Maintaining a positive, high-energy attitude, reading the room, and fostering an environment where intense moments of fellowship are embraced contribute to a culture of collaboration and success. Tina’s emphasis on inclusivity, clear roles, and a united front post-decision highlights her commitment to effective leadership.  

Situational Leadership and Communication: Keys to Relationship Building
In the realm of leadership, the conversation with Tina delves into crucial skills that go beyond the technicalities of a job title. Emphasizing the significance of situational leadership, Tina sheds light on additional skills that are integral to effective leadership. 

Tina underscores the significance of skills that may be challenging to teach but are fundamental for a leader’s success. One such skill is relationship building. While processes and execution can be taught, building genuine connections with team members and stakeholders is a nuanced art. Tina contends that understanding the perspectives of others, viewing situations through their lens, and empathizing with their challenges are critical aspects of effective leadership.  

Tina emphasizes the role of situational leadership and communication in fostering strong relationships. Being attuned to the needs and concerns of team members, whether related to work or personal matters, requires a leader to possess a keen sense of situational awareness. Tina illustrates this with examples of identifying when team members are facing challenges, both in the conference room and in their personal lives.  

The conversation touches upon the creation of a culture of respect within a team. Tina contends that this aspect of leadership is harder to teach formally. Instead, it often comes from experiencing a high-performing team led by a leader who excels at fostering such a culture. Drawing on personal experiences, Tina highlights the importance of learning from exemplary leaders and subsequently instilling similar values in one’s leadership approach.  

A unique aspect discussed by Tina is the role of a leader as a buffer. This role involves managing the flow of information and messages within a team, especially during challenging times. Tina acknowledges that this skill is rarely explicitly mentioned in job descriptions, yet it plays a crucial role in maintaining team cohesion and morale.  

Advice to Younger Self: Building Networks and Purposeful Leaning In 
Reflecting on personal growth and career trajectory, Tina offers valuable advice to a younger self. The importance of building a professional network early on is highlighted, recognizing its significance in the later stages of a career. Additionally, the advice extends to “leaning in” more purposefully during the early career years, emphasizing the importance of being intentional about roles and skill development.  

Tina challenges the conventional focus on job titles and encourages a shift towards a more skill-centric perspective. Instead of fixating on climbing the hierarchical ladder, the emphasis is on acquiring the necessary skills for one’s desired career path. This pragmatic approach allows for lateral moves that contribute to a diverse skill set, ultimately preparing an individual for their broader career goals.  

Sabbatical Wisdom: The Power of Refreshing and Reenergizing 
In a departure from the traditional career trajectory, Tina shares the transformative experience of taking a sabbatical. The value of stepping back, reenergizing, and reconnecting with fundamental aspects of life, such as family and mental well-being, is emphasized. The candid revelation about the mental health benefits highlights the need for leaders to prioritize their holistic well-being. 

The Generalist Advantage: Navigating Through Complexity 
Identifying herself as a generalist, Tina elaborated on how this approach has facilitated her leadership journey. Her versatility allows her to move seamlessly across different roles and industries, addressing challenges with a broad perspective. While recognizing the value of specialists in specific domains, Tina champions the generalist’s ability to drive change and execute strategies across diverse functional areas.  

Proudest Moments: Atlas Project at Equifax 
Among Tina’s proudest moments is her leadership role in the Atlas project at Equifax, a full lead-to-cash business transformation spanning over 20 countries. Tina emphasized the importance of assembling a top-tier team and fostering a collaborative, fun, and inclusive environment. Despite the intensity of the project, Tina’s leadership ensured zero voluntary attrition and a united front that celebrated success.  

Tina attributes the success of complex transformations to a combination of factors. Maintaining a positive, high-energy attitude, reading the room, and fostering an environment where intense moments of fellowship are embraced contribute to a culture of collaboration and success. Tina’s emphasis on inclusivity, clear roles, and a united front post-decision highlights her commitment to effective leadership.  

Situational Leadership and Communication: Keys to Relationship Building
In the realm of leadership, the conversation with Tina delves into crucial skills that go beyond the technicalities of a job title. Emphasizing the significance of situational leadership, Tina sheds light on additional skills that are integral to effective leadership. 

Tina underscores the significance of skills that may be challenging to teach but are fundamental for a leader’s success. One such skill is relationship building. While processes and execution can be taught, building genuine connections with team members and stakeholders is a nuanced art. Tina contends that understanding the perspectives of others, viewing situations through their lens, and empathizing with their challenges are critical aspects of effective leadership.  

Tina emphasizes the role of situational leadership and communication in fostering strong relationships. Being attuned to the needs and concerns of team members, whether related to work or personal matters, requires a leader to possess a keen sense of situational awareness. Tina illustrates this with examples of identifying when team members are facing challenges, both in the conference room and in their personal lives.  

The conversation touches upon the creation of a culture of respect within a team. Tina contends that this aspect of leadership is harder to teach formally. Instead, it often comes from experiencing a high-performing team led by a leader who excels at fostering such a culture. Drawing on personal experiences, Tina highlights the importance of learning from exemplary leaders and subsequently instilling similar values in one’s leadership approach.  

A unique aspect discussed by Tina is the role of a leader as a buffer. This role involves managing the flow of information and messages within a team, especially during challenging times. Tina acknowledges that this skill is rarely explicitly mentioned in job descriptions, yet it plays a crucial role in maintaining team cohesion and morale.  

Advice to Younger Self: Building Networks and Purposeful Leaning In 
Reflecting on personal growth and career trajectory, Tina offers valuable advice to a younger self. The importance of building a professional network early on is highlighted, recognizing its significance in the later stages of a career. Additionally, the advice extends to “leaning in” more purposefully during the early career years, emphasizing the importance of being intentional about roles and skill development.  

Tina challenges the conventional focus on job titles and encourages a shift towards a more skill-centric perspective. Instead of fixating on climbing the hierarchical ladder, the emphasis is on acquiring the necessary skills for one’s desired career path. This pragmatic approach allows for lateral moves that contribute to a diverse skill set, ultimately preparing an individual for their broader career goals.  

Sabbatical Wisdom: The Power of Refreshing and Reenergizing 
In a departure from the traditional career trajectory, Tina shares the transformative experience of taking a sabbatical. The value of stepping back, reenergizing, and reconnecting with fundamental aspects of life, such as family and mental well-being, is emphasized. The candid revelation about the mental health benefits highlights the need for leaders to prioritize their holistic well-being. 

The insights from Tina shed light on the multifaceted nature of effective leadership, emphasizing the importance of soft skills, relationship building, and a purposeful approach to career development. Her journey, marked by mentorship, commitment to community, and a knack for leading transformative initiatives, showcases the multifaceted nature of effective leadership. Whether navigating the complexities of corporate transformations or empowering underrepresented youth, Tina exemplifies the qualities of a leader who leaves an indelible mark on those she guides and the initiatives she undertakes. 

Leadership Portraits is a curated collection of extraordinary individuals who have mastered the delicate brushstrokes of influence, resilience, and vision. Each portrait is a testament to the unique leadership styles that have shaped industries, communities, and legacies. Explore the nuanced narratives behind each face, and let these captivating images inspire your own journey of leadership excellence. Join us in celebrating the diverse stories that define leadership in its myriad forms—captured, framed, and showcased for your inspiration. Learn more about Leadership Portraits. 

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